Some people are PURE idiots!! Plain Simple Truth!! No 2 ways about it!!
And I am not talking about the good kind of idiots that were shown in the movie '3 Idiots'. No! I am talking about the NOT retarded, fully functional members of society that don't have an ounce of common sense running through their bodies! (Not taking into account, how good they are in studies)
No matter how much you try to open up their eyes to the reality, they prefer to live in a dreamland!
A place where everything is hunky-dory. Where they get to wear the rose colored glasses over their eyes and forget about the reality of life. Where they think that there exists only light, and no darkness in their fellow human beings.
They never learn from their mistakes! And there is no cure for people who never learn from their mistakes the first time.
Like it is said: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Though I read a version of this quote on twitter which I personally think is better: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you again. And stop picking on me, I'm clearly an idiot.
But such people will always be picked on. Its non-debatable. Its simple natural selection. They make the wrong decisions their whole lives and so they will eventually die out. Gullible and impressionable to the core, they run with those who are cunning enough to recognize their lack of common sense, and have all the intentions of using them for their own purposes and on fulfillment of that purpose discarding them as damaged human beings to fend for themselves in the big bad world. And yet, these gullible creatures fall into the hands of either the same cunning master manipulator again, or some other bigger, better, manipulator of such fickle minds.
The best way to keep your own sanity, when coming in contact with such people, is to let them live in their own world, and never think about their well being. Forget about them completely if you can, the sooner the better. Such people cannot change. They have the maturity of a 3 year old and there is no point trying to help them grow up. It will take time and effort on your part to try and show them the truth about the world, to try and make them grow up but the end result will still be what it was before you started helping them. So all your work goes down the drain and the amount of knowledge that goes into their brain amounts to ZERO.
It is my opinion that when people want to commit suicide (figuratively of course... in a way where they do not recognize a bad situation even if it is happening with them for the 10th time and head into that situation with a completely empty mind), and you have done all you can to prevent it, and they still want to do it, then it is better to let them do it and not stop them.
There is no way to make them understand, no way to make them see the reality, no way to make them face the harshness of it, because (you guessed it) they are IDIOTS! And so cannot comprehend any advice you might have to offer such lost souls.
Stay Safe!
Stay Clear of Idiots!
Stay Happy!
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