Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Some drawings that i've made over the years...

The Famous HUM-TUM...obviously i drew them after the movie was released...or i would have sued the producers for plagiarism :D

Broken Hearted (...edited from my samsung F-480 and special thanks to my mom for the bad wash of my "I love NY" t-shirt...lol)

The original pic used from the Hindustan Times.

The final sketch and my tribute to MJ.

Three ordinary, badly drawn, circles....not after i'm done.

I'm done.

The Sikh Warrior

How many sikh with turbans do you see?... the correct answer is 12

Pen never left the paper for this one.

Anthropomorphize a sword and this is what you get.

Same shapes but different drawings.

He waited too long. :P

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